19 January, 2012

52 Book Challenge - Book Three: Deception Point

One morning, out of the blue, Intelligence analyst Rachel Sexton is asked to meet with the President of the United States. Before she knows it, she is on a jet to Antarctica to bear witness to an amazing discovery NASA has made: a meteorite under the ice with fossils of extraterrestrial life forms in it. This could not come at a better time. With an election looming over the country, Rachel’s father, Senator Sexton, is running for the presidential seat against President Herney. The main focus of the Senator’s campaign against the President has been NASA and the billions of dollars spent on research – approved by the President – with no results. This discovery would validate not only the President’s faith and support of NASA, but would cause the American people to put their faith in NASA. Unfortunately, not is all as it seems, and  Rachel soon finds she is stuck in a web of deceit that is threatening her very life. It is up to her, Michael Tolland (an oceanographer), and Corky Marlinson (an astrophysicist) to uncover the truth before it’s too late.

This was the second Dan Brown book I have read. The first one was The Da Vinci Code  - which I loved. I was very excited to read another book by Brown – and my friend Mandy graciously lent me this one. I will admit that it was very slow getting into. The first half of the book is spent setting things up with the election, NASA’s history, and providing information about the meteorite. The exciting stuff didn’t start until easily 300 pages into the book. Luckily, I stuck it through to the end and was pleasantly surprised by the twist in the plot (I literally said “What the heck!?!” when I read it!). In the end, it was worth the read, and I would recommend this book to others, just make sure you push through those first 300 pages – it will be worth it!

Rating: 4 Stars

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